Sunday, August 09, 2009

A brand new day in Cancun

Breakfast at the hotel was really good - and a welcome sight. Alan and I were exhausted. Last night was a party night for the other hotel guests and they woke us up all night long. Midnight, 1am, 2am, and on and on until at least 4am. Also, our hotel room looks out over the "party pool" and people were out there until all hours of the night. We did realize this morning that if we had turned on our A/C, it would have drowned out the noises. The halls just echoed every footstep and conversation everyone was having. So hopefully tonight will be better.

We did get a good laugh at breakfast when Sydney opened up the box of Coco Krispies on her own and they went flying all over the table. There was quite a variety of breakfast foods and we all enjoyed that. After breakfast we took a walk on the beach. The sand is super soft but the waves were very big. I believe some hurricanes have eroded much of the beaches in Cancun, and there was construction still underway to retain the beaches they still have.

Finally we made our way over the Oki Splash kids area. We were really impressed - it far exceeded our ideas on what it was going to look like. Very big, and brand new! It was a pirate ship with 4 slides on it, surrounded by water guns. The second pool for the hotel is right next to this kids are and it was not crowded at all. No DJ blaring music and playing drinking games. We were able to relax a bit here. It's nice because the kids are able to run around and swim and we can sit back a enjoy a cool drink without worrying about them. The kids did love an audience in the splash area so we didn't get to relax a whole lot though :)

The splash area also had these awesome slides. Zack was scared to go on them (he tried them once, but was not interested in going again). Sydney did need supervision on the slides, and they were just so darn fun to go down, we got a lot of exercise going up and down those slides!

We had lunch a restaurant that was right next to the pool and was also pretty "Zack and Sydney friendly". All inclusive is a nice concept, but the choices are quite limited when you have a couple of picky eaters dining with you. At least they don't seem to be complaining about burgers, chicken nuggets and pizza all of the time so far.

I convinced the kids that I was in need of a nap since I didn't get much sleep. Zack also has a cough so I didn't want him to over do it. We all took a nap, while Alan went out running for his marathon training. Zack slept almost 3 hours! Alan was supposed to run for 17 miles but he only made it for 10 miles since the weather was so hot. Along his run he got to help out a taxi driver who needed his car pushed to the side of the road! I can't believe he ran 10 miles, I would have been dead after 1 mile in this heat. The report said is was 93 degrees today. Yikes!

We had dinner at the hotel again and tonight was oriental theme. Good food! Then a short trip to the mall again for some shopping. The kids will hopefully see something they want to buy soon - Sydney is starting to drive us crazy with her shopping interest.

It was a good first day here in Mexico :)