Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday in Mexico

Today was a really great day in Mexico. We went to the island of Isla Mujeres ("the island of women"). We arranged a tour with AquaTours. A pretty good deal - $69 for adults and free for the kids, since of course in Mexico Sydney is still only 5 years old. wink wink! We started at the AquaTours marina and took a boat ride through the lagoon and over to the Dolphin Discovery area on the island. The boat ride through the lagoon was rather hot because it was a slow moving boat. We even had to fold down the top hand rails of the boat and no one could ride on the top when we went under a bridge! Once on the island we took another boat over to the central part of town on the island and rented a golf cart.

We went "downtown" and had lunch at an authentic mexican restaurant.

Alan and I were really in the mood for some "real Mexican" food -we haven't really had any yet! We ordered burritos and were surprised to get a tortilla with ham and cheese in it! No complaints though, the food was really good. The kids even liked it (well not as much as pizza, but they said it was good.)

Sydney really can't wait to have some good old PB&J's though.

After lunch it was time to go see the dolphins! Since Zack is only 4 he can't participate in the other programs, so we with a "Dolphin Encounter" program. The taught us 2 sign languages that instructed the dolphins to give us a kiss, and shake "hands".

The dolphins we met were 6 and 12 years old. We all got to do our new "tricks" for the photo shoot.

Although we did turn down the video of the experience, we did spent $60 on those pictures. But hey, those are priceless memories, right?
We got to pet the dolphins as they swam past us several times. It was really cool, they are such gentle animals.
Then we headed out on our golf cart again for a tour of the island. The first stop was a beach where there was a shark we could hold!

As you can tell, the photo shoot was not the quality of the Dolphin Encounter, but it was pretty cool to hold a shark too! I was easily convinced to spend another $12 on this shot since the whole family was in it. Too bad I picked out the picture with my eyes closed in it!
It was a very beautiful beach. Postcard perfect!

Next we went to visit a lighthouse, then around the other side of the island where it is rocky. Sydney loves the camera, and the camera loves her! Zack, well he is quite sick of getting his picture taken.

After investigating the rocks we went back around to the side of the island with the beautiful beaches and played around in the water. It was funny, we just wore bathing suits all day. Who needs clothes when you're on vacation!

Ahh, paradise!!!
Finally it was time to say goodbye to the dolphins....

Time to board the boat and head back to Cancun. What an exciting day!!! We had a lazy dinner at our hotel and shortly afterwards the kids were in bed by 8:45 - they didn't make a peep after the lights went out.