Friday, July 13, 2012

Ohio Michigan 8K

Last minute Alan decided to sign up for this 8K race, since everyone in his training group was attending.  And it was going to be an instant PR since he hadn't run one yet! :)
It was held over at the Centennial Terrace, which has a large music area & stage, and also the quarry for swimming.
The kids ran the 1 mile "fun run".  We had some serious technical difficulties though - we had no idea where the run was starting!  In fact we were still walking over to the area when we heard the start gun go off.  But they were troopers and just started running when we got there.  Sydney came in first...  I like the look on this picture, she's thinking "what the heck, get this kid off the course because here I come!!"

Zack did a sneak attack on this kid.  They had a fight to the finish.  I didn't get to see with the camera in my face, but Zack said he beat him!

The big issue with the kids run (outside of not being in the right place at the right time...) was that at the end there was a guy with a bunch of award medals.  He had a big group that said "1st place" and he was just handing them out as they crossed. As far as I could see he was just giving them out, even if two kids in the same age/gender came in.
By the time Sydney got there another person was helping out and he had the 2nd place medals.  He gave Sydney one.  When Zack came in later, the other guy gave him a medal that had 1st place on in.  That of course made Sydney feel pretty bad, and I can relate.  :(   The thing that matters is that they are both did a great job and really put effort into it.  I'm proud of them both!

Next came the 8K race.  Alan did a great job and finished in 33 something (we don't have the official time yet!)

After the race we had dinner.  It worked out well because the dinner tickets were $10 (Alan had one included in his race fee).  I bought one and they gave us a free one for the kids.

The big fun came when we went swimming in the quarry after dinner :)  We weren't going to go, but then I convinced Alan that we should go since we were right there and had our suits.
The water was a pretty good temperature, although it smelled a little fishy.  It was of course super deep, but the kids did a great job of getting from one side to the other.  We went on the "log roll" (look in the picture, it has yellow ends on it and some kids are standing on it..) and battled.  The center connector rolled when we walked on it, so it was quite challenging.

We swam until they closed, which was around 9:20 that night.  It was a fun, late, summer night!