Saturday, November 09, 2013

Churchill's 46.5 Half Marathon recap

I'd like to say this race was as great as Columbus 3 weeks ago.  But that would be a lie.  This was a new course for this race, and a first in our area - a point to point course.  Starting at the Perrysburg High School and ending at the Fallen Timbers mall.  Also, this race was moved to the fall, because it traditionally has been in March, so that was something new too.  Traditionally, I also always consider this my worst race of the year.  I'm not sure why.  It's always windy, and I always end up walking.  But more on that soon enough....

Pre race night was spend getting some carbs at Carabba's.  It worked out well because the kids were both at sleepovers.  The race didn't start until 9am, but we had to be transported to the start area, so we parked our car at the mall and climbed on a bus.  It was a chilly morning!  And super windy.  It was fun riding the bus with the other runners.  Always fun to see what clothes people are wearing, and second guessing your own outfit!

The high school was a great place to hang out.  The line for the bathroom wasn't too bad, and it was nice and heated.  I ran into several friends and we all gave each other words of encouragement.  And soon, the national anthem was playing, and the race had started!

I didn't really have many goals for this race - just one... to run up the last set of hills, which I have been training on.  Other than that, I thought I would just play it by ear.  I quickly found out that this was just going to be one of "those races".... those races where I get a bit unmotivated and just walk!  That wind was just killing me.  I think I walked first around mile 6.  Then, around mile 8.  Then again as we started climbing up the hills *before* the hills :)  Oh well.  As I walked and ran, I kept passing, and then being passed by some of the same people.  Guess I wasn't the only one with that plan.

As I reached the hills that I had been training on, I gave it my best and sure enough I did run up those hills!  Woohoo!  I was so close to the end now, I could see the mall where the finish line was.  But then after the hills I made "the turn".  You know the turn... the one *into* the strong wind.  In fact, that wind was so hard it stopped me in my tracks.  Well, at least it made me stop running and walk again.  Bummer!  I really hoped I could keep it up, but I couldn't.  I tried to run again, but had to walk.

I made one more attempt to run, and then walked.  As I started to walk, a voice behind me said "come on Lisa, you can do it!".  To my surprise, it was John, our UPS guy!  He is our UPS driver at work, and is super friendly.  He knows all of us in the office and I have seen him at several races before.  So I decided to give it one more try and told him I was going to finish with him.  Then I felt a bit guilty, like I was holding him back!  However, he reassured me that he couldn't go any faster either.

We got closer to the finish line and he tried to encourage me - "come on, I'll let you sprint to the finish!".  Sadly, that wasn't going to happen!  I did keep running though, and I finally crossed the finish line.  We both gave each other a "good job" comment, and then I started heading out of there, in search of a place to sit on the ground.  I thought I was going to throw up!  That was a first.  I was so out of it that I had to be stopped to get my medal placed on me as a quickly wandered away.  I didn't even see Alan cheering for me!  My time was 1:56:10.

Here is a funny video of me finishing... and feeling REALLY exhausted!

After panting for awhile, I finally felt better and talked to Alan and some other friends that were at the finish.  We headed for the party tent for our well earned beer.  Alan had a pretty good race - 1:31:24.  Not a PR, but he was happy with it.  In fact, he got 3rd in his age group.  Free socks!  My friend Berenice got 1st in Masters.  She was embarrassed about the Masters category, but when she found out the prize was $75, she was happy to accept it :)

After the race I found this fabulous blister on my toe... next to the black toenail.  Wow, I'm glad I didn't feel that one!