Thursday, August 21, 2014

BTS 2014. The: "Whoa! My kids are getting big" edition.

It's that day all of the stay at home Moms look forward to every year... Back to School!  And to be honest, I do like the routine of school.  And the new school supplies!!  But getting lunches packed and Sydney out the door for a 6:56am bus stop?  Not so much.  Oh well, such is life.
The kids are on separate buses again this year, so Zack will be able to sleep in at least an hour longer than Sydney.  Lucky kid!  But this morning we did wake him up extra early so he could get his picture taken with his sister.
Sydney had quite the "first day of school outfit" drama last night, but with a quick trip to the mall we got the situation all worked out with the purchase of several new items of clothes to keep her nicely dressed for at least her first few weeks of school :)
Zack opted to use last year's backpack because it was still in great condition and he loved it.  We are starting to get quite a collection of "slightly used" backpacks, so I'm all about that!
Big tears of sadness that school is back in session!
And since it's Thursday, here is a Throwback Thursday photo... from 2009 when Sydney went to first grade.  They've changed just a little :)