Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday in Cancun

Alan continued his marathon training with great dedication today. He woke up early (6:45 am) and ran intervals (5 miles). He saw lots of workers going to hotels and stores. After running we all went out for breakfast and then played again for a long time in the pirate boat and slides.

After lunch by the pool we went down to the beach. The water was beautiful but still a little rough so the kids couldn't wade out very far. After the beach we headed upstairs to our room. On the way to our room Sydney slipped at spilled her kiddie drink all over herself (right in her face!) and the hall. Since it was strawberry the scene looked quite horrific since it was bright red and looked like blood - it frightened a person who was following us in the hall! I snapped a picture and had a good laugh about it - after we cleaned it up.

We went over to La Isla mall for a little escape from the sun, then out for dinner at the hotel again. I'm ready for another night out - the food choices are getting pretty repetitive. In the evening there was a pirate show put on by the kids club at the hotel. The kids had fun running around and the end of the show they got to break open a pinata.