Sunday, June 25, 2006

Happy B-Day to Zack!

It was a cakefest! Zack and the partygoers got to dig into yummy Blue's Clues cake and feast on a cookout prepared by Daddy the Chef. Zack didn't realize that he was supposed to open presents, so sister Sydney and Alexus opened them instead. After a song and cake, his day ended at 6:30 when he fell asleep before his guests left. Such a big day for the big boy!

It's been a busy year for you too - you were born like your sister, by c-section, so that part was relatively easy for mommy. Fitting in with Sydney was another thing. She wasn't so sure about you at first. In fact, she really just ignored you for a long time. Then pretty soon you started crawling and touching her toys. Then she started to notice you. She's had to learn how to share, and that wasn't easy, but overall she thinks you are a lot of fun. You started out as "baby" in my belly, then "baby Zack" when you were born, and now Sydney mostly just calls you "Zack" since you're a toddler now. She even gave you her sippy cups.

We had some rough times with you, like in March when you had the flu and threw up everything. That illness made us paint several walls, and get the carpets cleaned. We were worried about you! Then all of those dots and the Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Yikes! At least the ear tubes seem to help you out quite a bit and the ear infections went away.

You have learned how to hold a bottle, sleep through the night, crawl, eat from a spoon, hold a cup, and finally walk. There are so many other little things you have learned too, and this next year will be full of so many other achievements. We are so blessed to have wonderful son like you. Please stay little so we can cuddle and read books for a long long time. Our love always, Mom & Dad