Saturday, August 08, 2009

Cancun - here we come!

Well the Cancun trip has finally arrived. I would be lying if I said we were anything but a little disappointed with our first day. It was a long journey to Cancun, starting out at 5:30am this morning. We were thrilled that the Detroit airport has been remodeled and has a tram to ride on and this cool jumping water pond.

We left on time, and the flight went well, but as soon as we got to Cancun it was a few long frustrating hours of waiting. First waiting to go through customs, and then another line where they checked our luggage, and again waiting for the bus to the hotel. But the longest and worst wait was at our hotel itself. The room wasn't ready for a whole hour and everyone was just tired of waiting at that point. The kids were being impatient and the weather was hot and humid. When we finally got to our room, we needed to wait more to get another bed put in, and to get the safe working. Finally it was time to get to the pool. The pool was OK, but very crowded, with lots of kids. I guess that is to be expected at a "family friendly" hotel!! However, when I think of family friendly, I think of everyone accepting my kid's bad behavior, and no other kids around!! haha

Zack scared the crap out of me when he started walking right from the shallow end of the pool into the deep end, which was only one step over a ledge. He immediately sunk underwater before I got there and thankfully there was a nice guy right next to him who pulled him up out of the water since I hadn't got to him yet. Zack thought that was funny, but I certainly did not. After swimming for a little bit we got dressed and checked out the hotel. It is nice - I just hope the dining offers more of a variety other than the buffets we saw. Otherwise Zack will be eating hot dogs for every meal!

We went shopping at the mall down the road and the kids were already wondering what they could spend their "Cancun Cash" on. They each earned $15 from doing chores before the trip. By 8:30 (9:30 Ohio time) the kids were fast asleep and so was Alan. I'm heading to bed right now too. Hope tomorrow brings a better, more relaxed day. Or maybe just lower expectations! :)