Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

For being a holiday, the kids woke up realtively "late"... 7 am. In our house the tradition is to put out our Easter basket, which has been reused each year, for the Easter Bunny to fill and hide - and we also put out a supply of plastic eggs to be hidden. We picked out 10 eggs for each of them to find, plus a "golden" egg also. The kids did a great job of finding the eggs that were hidden around the house. Luckily the Easter bunny put the golden egg in a highly visible location on the kitchen table, eliminating the "I found it first!" fight that was sure to happen had it been hidden well. :)

Zack's basket had the normal treats (chocolate bunny, jelly beans, peeps, etc) and 2 Hot Wheels cars. Sydney had two nail polishes in hers.

We also bought the kids a set of walkie-talkies (which they have been begging for lately!) and Hungry Hungry Hippos.

After our treasure hunting we played our new game for many, many times!