Saturday, November 21, 2009

There's a mouse in our house!!

Wow, some mornings are way more exciting than others. You know, school mornings, work mornings, yawn, snore. But what about this dreary looking Saturday morning. The kids are watching Disney Playhouse, I'm working on my computer looking at pictures... and all of sudden I see Pico jumping around in the train room. What the heck? A spider? A bug? As I get up to investigate I see a *field mouse* scampering an inch in front of Pico's paws. What?? First thought, how the heck did a mouse get in our house?? Second thought, quick get a bucket to catch him! Luckily he made his way out to the kitchen, and into the sunroom. We closed the doors fast and he snuck under a cabinet. Soon he ran out and I stuck a bucket on top of him. Poor little guy, he was so scared. After a thorough investigation of the mouse, Alan set him free out by the fence in the back yard. Fun! but I hope I never see one again in the house :) Pico has earned her treat for the day.