Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!! We went over to Aunt Anita's house for Trick or Treating this year. The kids were dressed as a cheerleader (yep, a repeat from last year) and a football player from our favorite football team - Ohio State!

Zack loved running around with the football.

Go Bucks!!

In contrast to our all American kids, we had the vampire princess over at Aunt Anitas! Doesn't Alexus look cool?! We all had a lot of fun. The weather could have been a little warmer, but the candy was good anyways.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party

Sydney's class had their Halloween party. They couldn't dress in costumes, but the did get some yummy treats!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin carving

First, we planned out what the faces were going to look like. Sydney instructed Daddy on how to create the perfect face.

Surprisingly, Zack wanted to help get some of the pumpkin seeds out.

We had 5 pumpkins to carve this year. Our hands were tired at the end!

We made two big batches of pumpkin seeds - including these "gourmet" ones. They were all yummy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

School pics are here!

Here are Sydney's 1st grade pictures. awwwww

Monday, October 26, 2009

My big race day!

The day I have been training for all summer has arrived. The 10K run! I made it my goal this year to not only run a 5K with Jennifer, but also to run a 10K. Alan agreed to run it with me, and he did. Look at us - we're Team Willford!! :)
It was a chilly run at the Racing For Recovery event, 39 degrees at start time I think. Thank god we had hats and gloves. There were only 80 runners in the 10K event, and 191 runners in the 5K event.

The results were:
54 30/38 339 Alan Willford 42 M 57:27 9:15
55 25/42 340 Lisa Willford 41 F 57:27 9:15

That's a time of 57 mins, 27 seconds. We laughed because I ranked 4th in my age division! yippie!! oh, but there were only 4 in my age division, so technically I was last in my age division - and so was Alan because he ran so slow with me! hahaha oh well, you have to start someplace. My only goal was to finish under an hour, so I was still thrilled with my results :) Next year... a half marathon. Destined to be Alan's slowest time ever!!
**** Update - the final results were posted and I now noticed that someone took 1 hour, 4 minutes to finish - making her 5th in my division. Whew! Ditto with Alan's group, 1 person was slower than him too. I love not being last!!

Poor Zack :(

After a weekend of dragging Zack over to Grandma & Grandpa's, Chuck E Cheese and the park, he was too sick to go to school today. Should have seen that one coming. He's been coughing a lot, runny nose and running a slight temperature in the middle of the night. Here he is with his new best friend, the box of tissues....

This is what he looked like a few days earlier - he fell asleep on the floor!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A walk in the park

It was such a beautiful fall day that I had to drag the family out to Side Cut park for a walk. The kids were lured there by the promise of being able to play at the park, while I had my camera in tow with other thoughts on my mind :)

We all tried to skip some stones in the river. Alan was the most successful.
We searched for the grasshopper... which got away.

My cuties on the rocks.

Then we finally made it to the playground as promised.

Wow! Look at the awesome fall colors! oops, maybe I photoshopped that one a bit too much, but it was really beautfiul.