Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Well, I think this just about sums it up for June.
Ever since I started tracking my training several years ago, this is the first time I've had this much of a break in running.  Just a whole bunch of zeros.  I did realize today that I could put my biking in here and it would not mess up my stats, so starting today I will keep track of that.  At least I get some credit for doing something! :)
My break in training is due to a stress fracture in my heel.  I just learned that on Monday after an MRI.  I was feeling quite silly about going in for an MRI.  They are expensive and take a lot of time (an hour!) and I really thought the Dr was just going to say everything was looking good, and I could slowly start running again.  But no, it was quite the opposite.  I still have swelling where the bursitis on the side of my foot/ankle area. That was what the Dr was curious about.
I think stress fractures are an odd thing... I guess they don't show up right away in testing.  I never felt any pain during my training, or even during the Cleveland marathon, but an hour after the marathon my foot hurt.  Actually, it was after I got up from sitting down and drinking a beer after the marathon!  Maybe sitting cross legged did it!  Ok, maybe not.  But who knows. 
The Dr said to come visit him in a month and we'll look at the images and discuss where we go from here.  I have a trip to Florida coming up and I think I might just be wearing that boot while walking in the park.  It is a lot of walking, and I don't want to reinjure anything.  Maybe I'll get some breaks while waiting in line :)