Wednesday, January 20, 2010


For Christmas Sydney got a scrapbook kit from Santa. We have been having a lot of fun with it. She has made pages with pictures of her friends, Daddy (of course!), the family, our trip to Mexico, and other fun stuff that has happened over the last year. It is interesting to see her style - she likes "extraction" style. She cuts around all of the pictures so they will fit in her book. This will make a great keepsake for her. A great start to a lifetime of memory keeping just like her mom!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pokagon toboggan run

Today the kids had the day off of school for Martin Luther King day, so we ventured over to Pokagon state park for some winter fun! We had been promising the kids that we would take them over to the tobaggan run for a couple of years now since we always check it out when we are camping there. I have only been on it once, and remember that was one heck of a fast ride!

Here are some people reaching the end of the run. Near the end of the run we reached 32, 34 and 35 miles an hour! wow, that was fast! I did hear someone saying that they hit 45 miles an hour (a sled with 4 guys on it). The kids had so much fun. As soon as the got to the bottom of the first run they were jumping up and down with excitement wanting to go again. They were pretty brave.

Good thing we got there early - we got the last "light" sled, which only weighed 35 pounds. The heavy sleds weighed 60 pounds! but heck, I wasn't carrying it so I didn't mind either way (haha, only joking Alan!!)

Our first run took us only 25 minutes round trip (waiting in line) but the ones after that were 40 minutes as it was very busy that day. Well worth the trip!!