Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy 50th Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa!!

The day I have been waiting for has finally arrived - my parent's 50th wedding anniversary! With a little persuasion from my Aunt Louise, we decided to throw a surprise party for them at our house. The only challenge has been keeping the kids from mentioned it to Grandma & Grandpa. Of course the kids really had no clue what was going to happen, they did know we were having a party for them and that would have been enough to tip them off.

But the kids did a great job of not mentioning it, and Grandma & Grandpa were truly surprised. We even made this little sign for them, and Grandma didn't get it when she saw it.

All of the Aunts and Uncles were there along with some old friends: the Littles, and the Henry's. The kids wore their finest for the special occasion.

Alan was our chef for the evening - thanks so much Alan!! I really appreciated it.

The look on the kids' faces is priceless - dig in!! Even they could find something they liked to eat - well, mostly just treats, pretzels and maybe a cucumber, but hey, that's what parties are for :)

A family picture - Brian, Mom & Me The party was a great success!