Friday, April 10, 2009

pre-Easter Events

We participated in a few Easter events this year. We went to a couple Easter egg hunts, one at the neighborhood playgroup, and one at the Andersons. The Andersons had cookie decorating, face painting, and an egg hunt in the produce section!

We also colored a dozen eggs. The kids picked out the "Tie Die" kit this year. I'm guessing no matter what the kit, they probably would have ended up looking Tie Die anyways! Zack did very good on his first egg, then he just wanted "all" of the colors together. The boy loves the color black...


It's Mommy bragging time... this morning Zack told me that it's now April. Then he said, I know how to spell April "A P R I L". I just don't remember Sydney being able to spell that many words at 3 1/2. Wow, what a smartie! And I think that also means a "kudos" to his teachers in preschool for doing such a good job with the kids too.