Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to school... 2013!

It's the first day of school!  The kids are getting so big - Sydney will be getting on the early bus for the middle school now.  The bus comes an hour earlier, which is not a huge deal for me because I have been getting up so early to bike/run, but for others in the house it means a big change of routine!
Too bad I hacked up the bush they normally pose in front of a few weeks ago (oops).  Anyhow, here are my happy little students.  They truly are excited to get back to school and see their friends.  I am digging getting back into routine!!
They actually picked out matching backpacks this year.  They were sold on the all of the pockets in these things.  Hopefully they won't stash away stuff in the pockets and forget it!
What kids, you don't want to go back to school??  That's not true!
 The weather at the bus stop was beautiful.  A great day to start school!
Here I am in my running gear!  Yep, I took a slow, exhausting run around the neighborhood before helping Sydney get ready for school.    Happy first day of school, kids!  I hope they have a great day.
Mouth update - I am back to feeling my old self again.  The pain is gone almost totally but I'm still very careful with it.  I'll get my stitches out on Monday. YAHOO!!!!!  I didn't think I'd ever feel this good again :)