Saturday, November 29, 2008

My kitty...

Don't tell Zack this, but what he calls "my kitty" is really a blankie. I know, it's hard to believe, but our little guy likes to drag around his blankie and make it meow. It's also know as "school blankie", but mostly it's just kitty. Kitty is often found rubbing against Zack's ear (that's how he makes sure something is oh so soft...) and cuddling with Zack in bed. But often Kitty has super great powers, like how it knows Zack's full name and his age. We all love Kitty.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

That's right Pilgrims, it's time for turkey eating again!!!

Remember when Zack through that 40 minute fit about putting that shirt on??? geez!

Bust out the cameras! This is the first (and maybe only!) full size turkey that we have ever made. Yum Yum Yum!!

Here's the guys enjoying the feast...

3 generations of hot chicks at the feast too!