Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday in Cancun

Since I had packed my workout clothes, I decided to get up and exercise - mostly because I was awake and knew I wasn't going to fall back to sleep. So I went over the exercise room. It was nice, and I used the elipical training. Dang, I was exhausted after my puny little half hour workout. Not sure how Alan is doing his running outside in the middle of the day!! (hey, maybe he's just down at the pool bar, and gets wet from swimming and not running. hmmmm)
After another yummy breakfast...

... we took an excursion over to the ruins at El Ray. These ruins are right on the same street as the hotels, so it's only a bus ride away. Unfortunately our bus driver did not understand where we were trying to go and dumped us off in the wrong spot! But it was as easy as flagging down another bus to go farther down the road and we were there. As expected the kids didn't understand the concept of "ruins" but they had a great time chasing the iguanas around the park. The lizards were really big - but very fast, so no one got close to one (except the one that was hiding under the rocks and we got to pet his tail!)

Sydney even got to try out taking pictures on my camera. She did pretty good!

After the ruins we went across the street to a beautiful public beach. I took some pictures that turned out pretty good! :)

Back to the splash park for the rest of the afternoon. We are having so much fun going down the big slides. I even overcame my claustrophobic fear and went down the tube slide. I still didn't enjoy it much, so I haven't been missing anything!

We needed to get out of the hotel for dinner (well, at least I wanted to!) so we went to Carlos 'n Charlies for a change of pace. Wow, I must be getting old because that place was SOOO loud. I know it's a fun party place which I can appreciate, but we tried to get there before all of the partying really began. When we got there they were having a Michael Jackson contest and blaring music. It would have been a little better if my dining partner had not been Zack, the boy of a thousand questions a minute. I had a such a hard time hearing him and he wasn't too pleased about that. The dinner was really good though, and I'm glad we went.

The kids were thrilled because there was a clown and they got cool balloon hats :)