Friday, April 07, 2006

Happy Zack is Back!

It's amazing what a little surgery will do. Zack is an unbelievably little happy guy now post-op. He laughs all of the time and is babbling a lot! It's almost like he's a different kid. The Dr said he had "crappy ears" and that his ear drum was very inflamed; "must have been in a lot of pain!". That would explain a lot. Poor little guy. Hopefully the tubes will heal up with no problems and he'll never get sick again :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's days like these when I have to look back at pictures and see that Zack really is a happy baby. Over the weekend he spiked a fever and was sooo cranky. He's been in a pretty bad mood for several days now and we just can't wait for him to get tubes put in his ears. They sure helped Sydney alot. On Sunday he had a pimple on his face and as the day progressed, he had little dots all over his body. I didn't think much of it until we took him in to daycare and they asked me to take him home until he could get checked out by the Dr. Apparently they don't like contagious kids at daycare! Imagine that! The Dr's office said that he had Hand Foot and Mouth disease, but luckily he was not contagious now. So surgery is scheduled for 8:30 tomorrow, it will be a long morning as we have to be there at 6:30 am!