Monday, July 25, 2011

Monarch caterpillars

So our caterpillar, which we found as an egg when we were camping in NY, is now a big, hungry, hungry caterpillar!  He is chomping through milkweed leaves at an astonishing rate, so we needed to get some more food for him.  Luckily there are several milkweed plants near the bike trail.

I cracked up when I saw the look on Zachary's face in this picture.  I think it really expresses his true feelings on our bike ride on this super hot day...
 Here are the plants, ready for picking.
 Pardon the mess, we haven't cleaned up his space yet - but look, he ate the ENTIRE leaf over night!
 This is the last time we saw him as a caterpillar.  He soon morphed into a chrysalis, awaiting his turn to become a beautiful monarch butterfly!!
And wouldn't you know it, we found another egg, so we'll be raising another caterpillar in a day or two :)