Monday, June 07, 2010

577 Foundation day

While we were out running errands on our day together, I remembered that Sydney was going to be at the 577 Foundation right when we were nearby.

So we went from the library over there to "spy" on her! I didn't get to take any pictures of her - (didn't want to really look like a stalker!) - but Zack and I enjoyed the park while we walked around. The pond was beautiful!

We discovered some really cool tadpoles (with legs!!) in the pond.

Zack still mentions the time we had a picnic lunch at the 577. We'll have to do that again soon ;)

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Camping at Maumee Bay

We arrived at Maumee Bay for our first camping trip of the season. We were all pleasantly surprised to see that Friday was movie night - and they were showing Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs! I was the only one who hadn't seen it yet.

The movie didn't start until the sun went down, so it was going to be a late night. The popcorn was only 50 cents a bag, what a deal.

Zack is smiling now, but just wait a few minutes until we got swarmed by Mayflies!! ewww! There were millions of them flying around in the sky. Luckily they didn't all land on us or anything like that. They just flew away after it got dark.

The next day we headed over to the beach. It wasn't super warm, but we had promised the kids they could get the unlimited ride arm band for the big slide at the beach.

They had a blast going on it and I think they were on it for at least an hour.

When we got back to the campsite Sydney challenged me to a scooter race. We had to go around 10 times (!!!). I was surprised how fast she was on her scooter. I didn't have a chance!
Later we went fishing. Technically those are the kids fishing poles, but their idea of fishing is watching us fish. Them seem to have no interest in actually holding the poles. So here is a picture of me with my 3rd fish of the season. It's 5 1/2 inches long. No idea what kind of fish it was, it just jumped off of the hook - it was really hard to hold!

The park was also having an ice cream social, so even though we were also having s'mores by the campfire later, we indulged in some ice cream too!

After we had a campfire and ate our s'mores it started to sprinkle a little, so it was bedtime. Around 11pm while Alan and I were watching a movie, we heard sirens going off. Shortly after the park ranger drove through the park warning us that there was Tornado Warning and we needed to go seek shelter in the shower house. So we woke the kids up and carried them over there.
It was quite interesting seeing all of our camper neighbors hanging out in the restroom! As you can tell, the kids were tired and less than thrilled to be there. We stayed there until almost midnight, when the storm was leaving.
Around 2am the sirens went off again and we were woke up by thunder and the park ranger driving around again telling everyone about another Tornado Warning. This time we decided to stay in the camper just because we didn't want to wake up the kids again and take them out in the bad weather. The storm was pretty windy and lasted until 3:30am. Surprisingly the kids slept right through it all. I was glad for that because they probably would have been scared, it was pretty intense. The wind shook the camper from one end to another, shaking it was it went.
Little did we know that only 9 miles away an actual tornado had touched down. Sadly we found out on Sunday that someone we knew had their house leveled by that tornado, and she and her son were killed in the storm. So very sad and tragic. Her husband and daughter are in the hospital and will probably have a very long road to recovery ahead of them. Mary and Hayden will be missed very much by our family, they were both such happy and loving people. I still can't believe it happened.