Sunday, May 16, 2010

Crazy Saturday

The kids went over to Grandma's house to spend the night on Friday, so we had most of Saturday to ourselves. We started out our day running the Dart Frog Dash at the Toledo Zoo. It was our first time running it here - and Alan's first 5K in years! We both kicked some butt :) I placed 5th in my age division, coming in at 26:37 (8:35 pace)- a mere 10 seconds from being in 2nd place!! Alan did even better - he placed 3rd in his division with a time of 20:30 (6:37 pace). He even got a cool trophy. It was a great day for a run.

Then we went home to do some body-breaking landscaping. We put mulch down in the yard, Alan split wood, put out the fountain - getting ready for the upcoming summer months.

While we were busy doing that, the kids were with Grandma & Grandpa at a festival. They had been waiting for this event all year because they got to dig for money! Zack got $31 and Sydney got $46. A pretty good sack of money!

They also got to compete in a tractor pull. Zack even pulled 2 pounds more than he weighed!

Sydney pulled a little less than she weighed, but she pulled farther - she got 3rd place. She got this cool trophy!

They had a lot of fun.

Around dinner time we went to get the kids. The Mustang had actually broken down the night before when Alan was dropping the kids off - so Alan had a replacement belt and he was going to replace the belt and be heading out dinner around 5:30pm... or so we thought. Turns out the belt was actually just slightly smaller than his original belt and he spent hours with Grandpa trying to put the belt on. Around 7pm he gave up and we decided to tow the car back to our house. That took an hour to tow it back, and I had to drive the truck! Luckily that turned out to be a pretty easy task since we were in contact almost the whole time with our cell phones. Even though I had a low battery warning on my phone, it held out until the last turn into our neighborhood. Then we had the challenge of putting it in the garage. Luckily as we were trying to push it in there a police car was driving down our road and he stopped to help us. Thank god for that!!
Since we were beat, and had promised the kids we would take them out for ice cream, we hopped back in the car and headed to Max & Ermas... at 9pm!! It was a great dinner (much needed relaxation). What a crazy Saturday.