Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bachli Family Camping Trip

Time again for our annual camping trip with my family.  Not sure why I planned this to happen in July - it was so darn hot!  We went to Maumee Bay again and my brother got a really nice shaded lot.  We will definately need to keep that one in mind for our next trip :)

The kids just love playing with their cousins.  They were running all over the place, wearing the boys out!

Here we are keeping warm around the campfire... well, not really .  We were mostly all sitting far from it, didn't need the heat.
Grandma brought along some squirt guns and the kids had a great time spraying everyone.

We went on a nature walk and found this deer.  It took me and Sydney forever to see the deer.  If you look closely at this picture, he is in the upper right hand part of it.  Little ears peeking out of the grass.  My brother and his family are super great at finding animals in the wild, whether it is a deer, or a tiny spider, they find them all!
We decided to take a dip in the lake.  I think this is the first time I've ever been swimming here.  Lake Erie just kind of creeps me out.  We told the kids that this is the complete opposite of what the water will be like in Mexico.  Note the seaweed next to Sydney!

 We spent a bit of time biking around the park.  The breeze from riding the bikes was a nice relief from the heat.

We  had a delicious dinner together.  So much yummy food :)

After stuffing ourselves at dinner, we headed over to the ice cream social!  We couldn't miss it because this time they had sundaes in addition to the usual cones and root beer floats.  They were so good, I approve!

Another fun thing going on near the ice cream social was the "nature guy".  He brought along an eastern fox snake.  Of course Sydney was right up there to hold him.  No fear here! 

We had a "slumber" party nice also, where the kids got to sleep with a parent.  I got Zachary.  He stayed up until almost 11pm the night before.  He was a late sleeper in the morning.  Looked like a litte angel. awwww

Our easy Sunday morning breakfast is now a box of donuts.  Did you notice we eat a look of somewhat unhealthy choices when we are camping??  well, that's the fun of it.  Chips, ice cream, donuts.  It's all a part of having fun and stepping outside of the norm for a weekend.

I did burn off many calories on our Saturday morning run.  Alan and I went out for 6 miles.  I think I sweated off 2 gallons of water, it was a hard run.  Also, I was challenged to a scooter race by Sydney.  On the first lap around the loop I was winning, but after that I just can't keep up with her and she beat me bad.

Here is a beautiful panaromic picture from the top of the sledding hill.  We even remembered quarters so the kids could look out of the viewfinder.
 After that, the kids raced to the bottom of the hill and ran back up.  All full of energy (and all charged up from the donuts!!)

Sydney enjoyed her role as dog watcher.  She loves Bindi :)

And then, it was time to go home again.  Seemed like a super quick weekend.  I am hoping we can all get together in September or early October for a camping trip again, when it's not so hot!