Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday in Cancun

Well it was our last full day in Cancun. I can't believe the time has flown by so fast. We will all be sad to head back to Ohio tomorrow. It was pretty bad waking the kids up this morning. Since we were up late last night, they were still sleeping at 8:45 when we woke them up. Normally I would not wake the kids up unless it was a school day, but they were going to sleep the morning away! They were visiblly tired- having crying melt downs over everything. Sydney didn't want to put on a damp swimsuit (it takes days to dry stuff out here since it's so humid) and Zack didn't want to put on sunscreen because it was "cold"! Then at breakfast Sydney found out the ice cream was not available, and Alan had promised ice cream for breakfast one day.

We spent the moring swimming in the pool and had our last lunch by the pool.

For our last day we decided to go on a submarine - well actually a special boat with large windows for viewing sea life in the bottom. Our sub trip started at AquaWorld. We took a boat out to the reef where they "subs" were at. It was a beautiful boat ride out to the reef - much faster than the one that took us to Isla Mujeres. It was even better because we got to ride on the top of the boat!

When we arrived at the reef we rode in the sub for about a half hour. We saw a lot of fish, a stingray and 2 sea turtles! Big bummer - on the boat ride back I lost my lens cap for my camera.

It was a hot trip back to our hotel in the mid-day heat. Zack found a way to keep cool though...

Our day wound down with a dinner at the hotel following another dip in the pool. Oh, and did I mention I had an issue to deal with where Zack "waited too long" to go to the bathroom? ugghh We took yet another shopping trip to the the mall at finally found some souviners - t-shirts, bracelets and maracas. Time to pack up the suitcases and say goodbye to Mexico. See you again soon we hope!!