Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Sydney!!

Well it's been 5 years now since the day you first arrived in this world with a fearsome cry. You've grown into a mischievous, beautiful little girl. You have a deep vein of competition running through you, at least when it has anything to do with competing against your brother. Book reading, hand washing, riding bikes - you name it, you'll compete against Zack for it! I hope that is a good trait - it tends to be a little tiresome on a continuous basis right now. However you are also a very kind and thoughtful girl who is smart and caring. You just started gymnastics, so perhaps there is hope for you not always being so klutzy after all. You also love to cook, or at least eat the dough and chocolate chips. Puzzles and games are also a favorite, along with your Ponies and stuffed animals. We count our blessings each time we think of how lucky we are to have such a super special girl like you in our family!!