Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

It's that time again!... Halloween is here.  Although it means a huge bag of candy, it also means the holiday season is just a month away!  In fact, I just made our reservations for the Nutcracker tonight.  For tonight though, I am enjoying make believe and lots of orange and spooks.
We had some pretty artistic pumpkins this year.  First up is Alan's pumpkin, and mine (with the angry eyebrows!).
Zack and Sydney's silly design came out relly good also.
 I left work early today, but still I was rushing around like crazy getting everything ready for trick or treating tonight.  I was putting Zack's zombie makeup on 5 minutes before it was time to go!
 Here is our zombie and devil girl.
Grandpa looks like he is ready to scare some kids!!  haha
 The weather tonight was less than desirable - around 45 degrees and drizzly.  boo!  But that didn't stop the kids from running from house to house.
I have to give myself a pat on the back - this zombie looked pretty awesome!!
After trick or treating, the kids dumped out their bags and sorted everything out.

 Next it was time to make candy-me's!

After all that, Zack still had to take a shower to de-zombie-fy himself.  They got to bed late.  I have a feeling Zack might still be having those dark circles under his eyes tomorrow!!

Note to myself for future reference: we used up one huge bag of candy from Sam's club, and then a second huge bag was opened.  We have about 90% of the second bag left, so probably better to get a couple smaller bags next time, in case we want to return the left overs!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

You've been Booed!

As Halloween grows closer, the kids have been mentioning that we haven't been Booed yet.  Mostly Sydney saying "I can't wait until we get Booed!  When is someone going to Boo us??".  The Booing tradition started several years ago in our neighborhood and it's a fun way to surprise your friends and neighbors.  The doorbell rings, and a little bag of treats is waiting for you!    Well, it usually happens that way.  Last year we had some trickster drop off a bag of junk.  Boo indeed!  Luckily the real treats also did arrive, but not until later.

Guess what... it happened again!  While we were eating dinner our doorbell rang and Alan caught a glimpse of kid running away.  Much to our surprise there was a brown paper bag with the words "You've been booed" scrawled on it.  Inside was a hamburger bun, soy sauce packet, tea bag and a few other worthless treasures.  We all got a pretty good laugh out of that, especially the hamburger bun.



After dinner we settled in for a movie and about half way through the movie, the doorbell rang again.  This time, there really was a treat waiting for the kids (thank goodness!).  The people who Boo us are really quite generous and I'm always impressed with the selections.  This year was no different.  They got some candy and fun Halloween toys.   I did catch a glimpse of the vehicle as it was parking by our neighbors driveway, but didn't think anything of it at the time.  Darn I didn't pay closer attention to see who it was :)

With just one more day before Halloween, we've gathered up some treats for our friends and are delivering them tonight.  I'm not even sure who we are Booing yet!

Happy Boo to You too!