Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Zack and the Mustang

While Sydney was at gymnastics class, Zack got to "drive" the Mustang around the neighborhood!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Our swampy pool

We thought we would get a jump on pool season this year and open it early. We were hoping it hadn't turned green yet - not so. It was stinky, just like a swamp again. Luckily it turned blue within a few hours of dumping a bunch of shock in it.

Zack sustained an injury and wanted a bandaid. So he ran in the house and put it on all by himself. This is what it looked like... Note that the actual injury is on top of the toe, not on the bottom where the pad is. :)

A morning at Sidecut Park

Now that the weather is nice again, it's time for Daddy to start running at the park again. That's great for the whole family because we get to go play at the playground while Daddy's working out!
Of course it's the perfect opportunity for me to take some photos of the kids playing. I'm starting to think my kids think my face IS a camera lens at times.

This year Sydney has a new talent - the monkey bars!! She does a great job of swinging through the bars and making it all the way across - a feat that was pretty darn hard when I tried it!

Zack is learning to conquer the fireman pole!