Sunday, December 21, 2014

Saying goodbye is never easy

Grandma W went to the hospital on Tuesday and had peripheral bypass surgery. In the spring of this year she had suffered a heart attack and had stents put in.  The Dr told her that she needed to get the bypass surgery because her circulation was bad in her legs and it needed to be repaired.  It took quite awhile for her to gain her strength back and get her blood and other various levels correct to have this surgery done.
On Monday, Grandpa went to a rehab facility for assisted care while Grandma was in the hospital.  She would join him at the rehab facility after the hospital until she was feeling able to care for Grandpa, and they would both go back home.  At least that was the plan.
On Tuesday the surgery went well, but she suffered another heart attack after the surgery.  On Wednesday she had a ventilator put in because she was not able to breath deep enough.  On Thursday and Friday they tried to take the ventilator tube back out, but she was strong enough to breath on her own properly without it.
Saturday was the family party at our house.  We decided it was best to have the party as planned because Grandpa was excited about going, the plans were made, and even Grandma had supplied us with shrimp and chocolates for the party, knowing that she would be in the hospital instead of at the party.  The party started at noon, and guests started to arrive.  Shortly after that, we got word that Grandma was awake (she had been sedated all week) and was mad.  She wanted the tube out, and she wanted to see Grandpa.  This did not sound good.  She had a DNR order and also made it known that she did not want any artificial means of support.

Grandpa was taken to the hospital and Alan went to.  Soon we heard that they would be taking the tube out, so all of the adults went to the hospital.  We left Rocco and Kyle in charge of the kids.  Our visit at the hospital extended into the early evening.  We were all able to say our goodbyes to Grandma, because the Drs said she would probably not make it without the ventilator and a temporary pacemaker that she also had.

Before she passed, she gave Grandpa a kiss and told him that she loved him.  It was very heartwarming, but yet sad, to see.

The family holding Grandma's hand.  She was a strong woman, with a strong family.

Alan and his sisters stayed with her at the hospital until the very end.  She passed away on December 20th.  They had been by her side all week, and with her in the end.  I think she was happy with the comfort of her loving family close to her.  It's hard to say goodbye, especially when it is so unexpected.  We love you Grandma!