Saturday, September 05, 2009

Fulton County Fair

It's a sure sign that summer is coming to an end when the Fulton County Fair starts. It was a beautiful day though - not super hot, but definately not chilly yet either. This year we decided to let the kids go on some rides. Since we'll be going to Cedar Point soon we said that they could only pick a few rides to go on.

The both liked going on the race cars, but after that they had different favorite rides. Zack still likes the little kids rides.

Sydney liked the giant slide.
One of the best parts of the fair for me is getting those delicious milk shakes!! Sydney loved hers so much that she didn't want to share (we were supposed to share, we only bought two of them). She even started crying when she thought I was drinking too much! geez
The burgers are excellent too!

Probably the highlight for the kids was to go on the bungee bouncer. They had really wanted to do this in Cancun but we thought it was too expensive. Thanks Grandma for the extra spending money!!

Sydney bounced pretty high but wasn't able to do a flip. I bet next year she will!

We tried out all of the farm equipment.

After our long day at the Fair we went home for dinner and then went out to see our friends Ethan and Annette at their campground in Grand Rapids. A long, fun day :)

Friday, September 04, 2009

Date Night!

We shipped the kids off to Grandma & Grandpa's house and headed out for date night. We went to see the Mud Hens play. I got some tickets in the Buckeye Telesystems box suite - which happens to be the best seats in the house! They were right next to the announcers box. Free food, drinks and a great view. Couldn't ask for anything more! well, except for the Mud Hen's to win. This was their last game of the season and they Mud Hens lost by one point 11 to 12.

Dawn and Henry had a good time too.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Put in Bay

It was time for our annual trip to Put-in-Bay since the summer is almost over. Today was surprisingly chilly for August (high of 70 predicted today) so that got me all confused as to what to wear. I like to be "prepared" so of course we wore shorts, and took along pants and jackets. I'm glad I did because Zack and I wore our coats for most of the time. Especially on that chilly trip back the Ferry!

After our journey over to the island, we had lunch at our favorite place, Frosty's! Their pizza was especially cheesy today. Yum!!

Just think - only a couple of weeks ago we were on a tropical island looking at dolphins - but today on our Ohio island we visited a fish hatchery run by Ohio State. It was pretty cool! The best part was that we got to hold a snake, and go fishing!
The kids have been asking about fishing for awhile now when we go camping so we took advantage of the "free fishing for kids" program. Alan caught 3 fish and I caught one! The kids didn't quite get the hang of it yet, and we didn't want to spend too much of our time there, as we had rented a golf cart, so we "helped" them out by fishing for them :) The fish we caught were actually "bad" fish that are taking over the Ohio waters so we did our good deed for the day.

Another cool part was that we got to feed our little fishes to some big fish! When we dropped our fish into the tanks they were gobbled up immediately!!

We took a trip around the island on our golf cart. Although our cart wasn't as pathetically slow as last year, it still wasn't a speed demon. We decided that it's in the cart company's interest to give people slow carts to extend their rental time! Anyhow, we stopped at Perry's Cave and took a tour of the cave.

The kids had a lot of fun playing on the playground as usual too.

and finally it was time to head home after a ride on the Merry-go-round. It was a great day!