Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sydney's new look...

So Sydney started begging me to get bangs cut in her hair, just about the same time the her friend got them. At first I was very sceptical and against the idea. I do like her hair long, and one length, although I am the first to admit that most times it looks like it needs a brushing - 30 seconds after she claims she "brushed" it. So when she brought up the topic, I resisted. Then I asked her to show me a picture from her school yearbook of the hairstyle she was looking for. She found several kids with bangs, but they all looked pretty dorky to me. I finally caved in, and agreed to trim some longer, "whispy" bangs to one side of her hair. I figured that would be the least destructive :)
I started trimming, and when I was finished Sydney ran to the mirror to take a look. I was surprised when she came out saying "I don't like them!!", and then she cried... and cried some more :( oh man, that was a bummer. She continued to say it, as if I could just glue the hair back on where it used to be! In an effort to regain happiness, I explained how they will grow out eventually and she can wear headbands and clips until they do. Luckily she found that to be a good way to hide them, and finally calmed down. Sadly, that won't be the last time she gets a hairdo that she doesn't like!

I think it looks pretty good in this "after" picture - granted it was all straighted out this morning, and nicely "fluffed".