Saturday, May 05, 2012


Sometimes I wonder about my family. Is my fashion sense really that bad, and I passed it on to my kids?? This morning Zachary got dressed and was totally oblivious to the fact his tshirt was on backwards. This was not a regular tshirt, it was a polo shirt with a fake undershirt with it. So he had buttons half way up his back. Even when shown himself in the mirror he didn't realize it. Then there was Sydney who showed up at the chess match in her pajamas (a tshirt and pj shorts) because "Daddy didn't tell her to get dressed". Really? She was quite embarrassed that she had forgotten to get dressed, but I still took her grocery shopping with me :)

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Chess club

I got an exciting call yesterday from the Chess Club coach.  Both Sydney and Zachary are in the chess club at school.  It was something I heard about, and when I asked the kids if they would like to join, they were both very excited about joining, even though we had never even played chess!  Well, they have been to 3 meetings so far, where they learn to play better.  Don't they say that chess takes an hour to learn and a lifetime to master?  Or something like that - anyways, the kids seemed to pick right up on the game and enjoyed it.  So I got a call yesterday from the Chess Club coach and he called to make the comment that Zachary is a "natural" at chess.  The coach has coached many students for many years, but he has never run across talent like Zachary's as a first grader.  He told us that at our small match coming up that he would be "1st board", which I guess means he's the best player.  Also, he asked me in a very serious tone if we would be interested in "taking it to the next level".  Sounded pretty intense to me!  I'm game, so I asked about it.  He invited Zachary to take place in a K-8 chess championship tournament that is happening this weekend.  I was so super excited (and darn proud!!) to hear this news.  We are going to give it a try and see how he does.  Hopefully it will be a positive experience for him (heck, he could even bring home a trophy!) because from what I have seen at home, he doesn't like to lose.  Fingers crossed!!