Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween fun!

Look out, it's that time again!!  Halloween!!

 This year Sydney wanted to be "something scary" so she picked spider witch.  Luckily it was the costume I bought on clearance last Halloween.  bonus!  Zachary was a Ninja.  For some reason he didn't want to wear his hood other than for a few pictures.  Odd, because when he has his hoodie on, the hood is usually up!  go figure.  Anyhow, here they are ready for some candy.

The night was just a blur - I didn't even get any pictures of Alan and I with the kids!  Luckily Grandma & Grandpa Bachli came over to pass out candy so I got to run around with Alan and the kids.  I need to be better organized next year and come up with a costume for myself.
We ran into one of Sydney's BFF's (Rebecca) and spent the night running around with her.

After 2 hours of running around, we were all tired and we retreated back home to the warmth and to count out the loads of candy the kids received.  It was so much the kids could make life size models of themselves!

Good thing our neighbors give out lots of Reeses PB cups... they are my favorites!! :)