Monday, September 29, 2008

Tonsils & adnoids removed

Today Zack went to Flower hospital to get his tonsils & adenoids removed. We are hoping this will make him a better sleeper, which will help him gain some weight and be a happier kid. The surgery started at 10:30am and lasted about 40 mins. When we got to see him in recovery, he was very very unhappy. Coughing and crying uncontrollably. It was a sad thing to see, knowing we couldn't help him much. He did calm down for a little bit and napped, but when he woke up he was still pretty sore. When we got to the recovery room, we stayed there a couple more hours. We were getting pretty discouraged when he refused to try any Popsicles and would only drink a little bit of water. Then the nurse found some apple juice and he sucked that down, and also ate some applesauce and 2 Popsicles! After that he was feeling much better and started talking and laughing. Daddy had put Cars movie on his iPhone and that really saved us. Zack was happy to watch it while we waited to leave. By the time we got home at 3pm, Zack was talking non stop like usual and not willing to sit still for hardly a minute. I hope he decided to calm down so he can get the rest he needs! He's eating bread, pudding, jello, Popsicles, and lots of juice.