Monday, June 25, 2012

Birthday Boy Zachary!

Happy Birthday Zachary!!  Today Zachary is 7 years old.  Wow, 7 years old!  I can't believe my baby is that old now.  Luckily he is still my little snuggler when his friends aren't around, and will willingly give me hugs and kisses and hang out with me still :)

He is totally crazy about Legos, especially the Ninjago series.  So we made this Ninjago training center cake.  I think it turned out pretty good.  The flag holders were a big pain because they were heavy.  I was looking for a rolled cookie to make those out of, but I didn't want to pay $6 for a container!

 Look at this guy... not having a good day!
 This blue Ninja (is it Kai, or maybe Jay.... I can't remember) is waiting for the next attacker, just in case.
 For his birthday party we went to QZar to play laser tag.  Alan and I both got to play because several friends couldn't make it to the party.  Lots of vacations this time of year!  I actually did a good job playing.  I was ranked 3rd on my team of 20 for the first game.  I swear my laser gun wasn't working properly for the second game.  Yep, that's my story.
 Lucky Sydney even got to invite her BFF Morgan to the party.
 Yum!  Pizza and cake, the ultimate party food.
On Sunday, we invited the grandparents over for some more cake and ice cream.  Grandma Willford brought over these fun bubble guns which really cranked out the bubbles. 
Note how Sydney is watching over Zachary's every move as he opens his presents....  geez, give the boy some space! 
 He was super thrilled to get some new Lego sets.  One of which included a glow in the dark skeleton horse.