Friday, January 14, 2011

Slumber party fun

Zachary had a whole weekend of birthday parties scheduled, so we decided Sydney should have a friend or two over to spend the night.  She invited two of her close buds, Morgan and Rebecca.  Zachary's party on Friday was actually a slumber party - his first!  It was a classmate from kindergarten, and the boys were all very excited about it.  Zachary called it a "video gaming slumber party".  oh my.  So after I dropped Zachary off at his party, we picked up Sydney's friends.  Unfortunately Rebecca is allergic to cats, but we did a pretty good job of keeping them away from her.  The girls had a lot of crazy fun, giggling and running all over the house.  Eventually at 9pm they settled down for a movie (Madagascar 2) and some popcorn.  After the movie, they stayed up until about midnight!  I went to sleep around 11:30, but I know they were still giggling when I fell asleep.

Boy was I surprised when her friends came wandering into our bedroom at 4:15 am!  I guess Rebecca's throat was a bit sore from the kitties by that time.  I was hoping they would go back to sleep, but I guess they were ready to begin their day!  I hardly got any sleep that morning and decided to get up around 6:30.  It sure made for a long day!!

Meanwhile, I was told that Zachary stayed up until around midnight also, but slept in until 7:15.  Still, both the kids were whipped on Saturday!!  He got a really cool lightsaber, Darth Vader mask (and some 3D glasses) from the birthday party.