Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dinner with the Puls

 That's right kids, jump right in!!
 I really need to toot my own horn here - I have kept the pool clean *past* the 4th of July!  This is quite an accomplishment for me - the pool is usually yucky at least once a season.

 Tonight we had our dear friends the Puls over for dinner.  It was a pool party, cookout party and it was a lot of fun.
 Mark tossed the ball around for the kids and they dove in like dogs trying to catch a frisbee :)
The kids even ate a little bit of food.  But not much :)

Legos, and more Legos!!

Since Zack had some birthday money, I promised him I would take him over to the toy store and get some Legos.  Alan was shocked when we came home with all of this!!  Honestly though, I would much rather have Zack spending his money on Legos instead of Smencils, animal bracelets, or Pokemon cards!
 He was so darn excited - he couldn't wait to dig in and get building these kits.
 They definately kept him busy for a while.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Chick shopping night!

I hit the mall tonight with Sydney.  Strike a pose!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lego contest

Zack created a Lego masterpiece today.  It is for a Lego contest, and the topic is sports.  So we came up with this golfing idea.  I think it turned out really good and he was very proud of his achievement.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Miniature Golf Day

There seems to be so many fun things to do in the summer, but not enough days and nights to do them in!!  Today we decided to go golfind - unfortunately it was drizzling a little bit, so we had to take a mini break from the fun, but it didn't ruin our whole trip.

Look at the swing on this girl - I see potential!!
 Zack is still learning, but at least he didn't just pick up the ball and throw it in the hole like he did in the past!
 I think Alan won the game... but who's even keeping score? :)