Saturday, August 07, 2010

Day 8 - the bonus day!

Our flight doesn't leave until 8pm, so we have another day to hang out at the Kennedy Space center. Today was the only day it really rained much during the day, so we didn't mind being indoors again.
But to start our day out right, we had to have more ice cream.... for breakfast!! yum, I could get used to this! Hey, it is vacation after all.

Kennedy offered many opportunities for us to be become spacemen (or is that "spacepersons"??)

Alan got to repair the Hubble Telescope!
Hanging out with the moon man

Sydney is guiding the rocket safely into space (or maybe she's just talking to her friend, I can't tell)

Here we are hanging out on the moon!

Well, that wraps up our trip. Despite the hot hot weather, we had a great time!