Sunday, August 15, 2010

Block Party

I think today was the hottest day of the entire year.  Seriously!!  Way hot!!  And of course it was the day of our block party.  In the middle of the day.  ugghhh  Even so, we loaded up the plate of treats, grabbed the lawn chairs and headed over to the street of the party.
We had the honor of having the new Walleye (hockey team) mascot visiting our party.

The kids had a bike parade to start out the party.

There was some seriously yummy food at the party.  Even Zack found something he liked (shocking!!  haha)

The fire department visited also and showed off their fire truck and equipment.

We even had a clown to entertain the crowd.  He did great job and also made balloon animals for everyone.

Although we had fun, I was ready to head inside to get out of the sun!!  whew, I was whipped by the end of the party.