Thursday, August 05, 2010

Day 6 - the day of REST

After our busy week, we needed a day to rest a little. It involved sleeping in really late (well, maybe it was 8am, but it felt "late"), shopping, swimming and dining.

After a late breakfast at iHop (oops, I was trying to forget that dining experience with the kids...) we went for a swim. The kids spent their time jumping in the pool, and running around looking for lizards.

Our pool was really nice and quiet.

While we were swimming Alan took a break to get his run in for the day since he is in marathon training. There he is in the yellow shirt behind the window on the right! :) I too brought my workout gear, but it remain packed in my suitcase all week. oh darn.

Here is a cool lizard that we were so close to catching (haha, good thing I have a zoom lense!). We did see a blue tailed skink though, that was definately something new.

After pool time came the moment the kids have been waiting for all week - time to spend that money!! Zack headed straight for the Lego store and picked out a set. He also bought some space crazy bands and a book over at Kennedy Space Center. Sydney decided on a Disney kitten. Because she REALLY needs more stuffed animals. uh huh.

When we walked around Downtown Disney after dinner (at the Rainforest Cafe) we ran into this cool lady who was all painted up like a statue.

The area was pretty busy (and oh so hot).

They have a hot air balloon ride which looked like a full moon when it was all lit up. I didn't see anyone riding in it, but I bet the view is pretty good from up there!