Sunday, August 01, 2010

Day 2 - Typhoon Lagoon!

Typhoon Lagoon was the destination on our first full day of our vacation. I have never been a fan of water parks - well, I was before I got my bathing suit almost ripped off and feared I was going to drown going down a tube slide at Wet and Wild on my high school senior trip, but I digress...

Typhoon Lagoon was really beautiful - but of course, it's a Disney park. And in true Disney fashion, everything was perfect :) We got there early to grab some beach chairs in the shade.

The kids favorite area was the wave pool. It periodically created waves - huge ones, and sometimes a bunch of smaller ones. Disney boasts that this is one of the largest created waves in the world! It's true, those waves really cranked out of there. A pretty amazing technology to witness.

The lazy river was nice. It took us all around the park.

Even though we took a cooler into the park for lunch, we had to have some ice cream for a treat. And what a treat it was! This is called the "garbage pail" because it had every kind of topping availalble in there - cookies, sprinkles, hot fudge, caramel, whipped topping, cherries... and more. Even after all four of us shared it, I thought it was too much. Yes me, I said it was "too much ice cream"!

Soooo yummy!

We took another trip around on the lazy river while the boys played in the waves.

We went on several tube slides and even tried going snorkling in the shark tank - but the water was too cold and kids couldn't figure out how to use snorkels, so that was a bust. But the slides were a lot of fun. Around 4pm a storm rolled in and the park closed. Just in time really, we were getting pretty tired from hauling those tubes around.

For dinner we went to T-Rex, a dinosaur themed restaurant from the owners of the Rainforest Cafe. As expected, the interior (and even exterior) was pretty elaborate.

One of the dining areas was the "ice room" and the "ice" walls changed colors occassionally. It was pretty weird inside there, I'm glad we didn't get seated in there!