Sunday, February 19, 2012

A nice day at the zoo :)

Today was one of those really nice days.  First, a went for a long run... 10 miles and I didn't stop once!  That is a real accomplishment lately.  I'm feeling so pokey :(   And when I got home, Alan was vacuuming and cleaning up the house!  yahoo, that was awesome!

We have been mentioning that we wanted to go to the zoo for a couple of weeks now, so we took a trip over there after lunch.  We got to see the new tiger cubs.  awwww, so cute!  Too bad they were laying down the whole time.  We think the rock may be heated because they looked very comfy in that spot....

I am really loving my iPhone.  I usually drag around my camera and look like paparazzi, but now, I just whip out the phone.  It takes such great pictures and I just love Instragram.  So artsy!
It even took a decent picture of the jellyfish. 
 Part of the winter program at the zoo is a show called the Wonderful World of Bubbles (I think that was the name).  The lady who did the show did some pretty amazing tricks with bubbles.  We will definitely be trying some of these things this summer.
 Then we watched the spiders being feed.  Wait, no, they weren't eating my family... but they were being hand fed by the zoo employee.  I was surprised, figured they would have been way more excited to see an insect.  The guy practically had to put the bug in the spiders mouth!
Lastly, we watched a snake gulp down a rat.  COOOOL!