Monday, February 20, 2012

Pokagon Toboggan run

Even though it never really started much, winter is ending around here soon. Given the limited number of days in winter left, we decided we needed to make a trip over to the toboggan run at Pokagon state park.  The track is cooled, so even though there is no snow on the ground, it's still operating.  We made sure we got there early (10 mins before it opened!) so we could get a light sled, and not need to wait in long lines.
Our planning really paid off because it wasn't very busy until we started to leave.  We got in 6 runs in an hour.

 Our maximum speed on our runs was 35 miles per hour!  Zachary was nervous about riding in the front of the sled at first, but after he did, he was just crazy excited about it.  He loved it.  Said he "would never forget today".  :) 

After tobogganing we enjoyed some of the delicious hot chocolate we he brought along with us.  Extra chocolatey and full of marshmallows.  yum!