Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Letchworth park, fitness and fishing

Today we decided to conquer the fitness trail that was set up at the park. Some stops were very simple: stretches.  Others were only a challenge for some of us (Lisa - balance beam, Zachary - king of balance beam).  Some were even feats of strength, like this arm walking thinging station.  I definately could not do it.  In fact, my arms were sore for almost 2 days from doing pushups!
 This was a bit of challenge for the non-coordinated people in our group :)
 Here's another scenic view of the park.
 We also went on a fishing trip today.  This is a stocked pond with Rainbow Trout in it.  However, the trout did not seem to be thrilled with our choice of bait: buns and hot dogs.

 Hmmm, they don't even want a whole hot dog!!