Thursday, July 14, 2011

Final camping day at Letchworth State Park

We started out our day with some delicious pancakes made by Daddy.  I love having him make us breakfast, it is one of my most favorite camping traditions.

Then we decided to venture out on another trail.  The kids liked hiking, althought a mile is about enough for them at this age  :)  We did see some beautiful scenery.

 We also made it on time, and went to the tour of the dam near the entrance of the park.  We tried yesterday, but were late (shocking, I know).  It was a good tour, and we got to go down inside the dam (lots of cold, pitchdark concrete).  This dam was built to be a "dry" dam, so there is no lake typically in front of the dam.  Made it look like it was all dried up and we came in the wrong season!

A few days ago we found one butterfly egg (after searching *many* plants) and today he decided to hatch into a caterpillar.  He was so tiny, but I know soon he'll be munching away at that leave and be a super caterpillar!!  Can you see him?  He's in the upper middle of this picture....

 At night we had a game of frisbee golf (which I totally suck at btw).
We also put the laptop out and made our own little "drive in" with it.  We watched Despicable Me, complete with smores.  That as a great way to end our camping trip.