Monday, October 05, 2009

Zack's special day

Today the neighborhood playgroup met at Playground World. It's actually a store that sells playsets, but twice a week they invite people in to "try out the merchandise". I had never been there, so I decided to keep Zack home on my typical "Mommy Monday" and we went to playgroup. Not only did they have several of these cool playsets, they also had a train table which Zack spent a lot of time at.

After that, we went to our favorite library (which also has a train table) and I picked up some books for our upcoming camping trip to Hocking Hills.
For lunch, I had packed some sandwiches and snacks and we went to the 577 Foundation and ate in the garden.

It was a beautiful day for a "date" with Zack. He was having such a great time he did a little dance! See that big scratch on his nose? He tripped at Cedar Point a couple of days ago and did quite a face plant. ouch. We had such a good time we were late to pick up Sydney from school again this week. oooops. My record is not so good, I have to get better at being on time.