Sunday, October 04, 2009


It's become our annual tradition to make at least one trip to Cedar Point during the summer, and then another in the fall for Halloweekends. For some reason our whole summer, and now fall, has been packed full of some scheduled activity every weekend - and this weekend was the only time we had free for our trip to Cedar Point. Unfortunately the beautiful weather was last weekend, and this weekend was really fall with the temps dipping into the 40's at night and hitting only around 60 during the day. We were debating if Saturday or Sunday would be the better day for our trip (which was a sure thing since I had already bought the discounted tickets at the Credit Union!) and after a whole morning of debating, we decided at 1:30pm that Saturday was going to be our day of fun - and that way we could rest on Sunday :)

We made it to the park by 3pm, but that was no problem since it was open until midnight. As always we had a great time on the kiddie rides and went through a haunted house (also for the kids). The park is so fun when it's all decorated for Halloween. The kids even got to see the "big kid" scarers as we had to use the restrooms located in one of the "Fright Zones". Maybe in a few years they will want to wander around there too!

Oh - and I have to mention the story of Sydney having her first "diva fit" about something she was wearing. It was chilly during the day so we wore hooded sweatshirts, with long sleeve t-shirts underneath them. That was sufficient until evening hit, so then we went out the car to put our jackets on. Well, I had only brought along our light jackets, so I told everyone to put the jacket right on top of the hooded sweatshirt. At that point Sydney started going into hysterics about how "no one wears them that way!" and she was not going to wear "2 coats"!! We tried to explain how it was cold and she needed to layer up, and we didn't have anything else to wear. Eventually she settled down and did the right thing, but boy did she put on a show for another car that was nearby in the parking lot!! geez! I can't wait for those teenage years! ;)