Sunday, October 04, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

It's time to decorate for Halloween, and a trip to the pumpkin patch with Grandma & Grandpa was in order. We were remembering how last year it was almost 90 degrees when we visited, and this year it was probably about 55!

Here is a picture of the kids 3 years ago on their visit... they have really grown up in 3 years!

The little piggies were oh so cute, as always.

Zack demonstrated his super hero strength and had to carry his pumpkin over to the wagon. It's so cute that he tells us all of the time how strong he is.

In order to keep everyone happy, we had to take pictures of our pumpkins so no one fought over them when we got home!

The most interesting part of our visit was feeding the cows an apple! As soon was we walked over there with our apple, the cow stuck out his tongue - which was huge!! The instructions were to just roll it down his tongue, but the kids wanted no part of that. A big crowd gathered for the show. Alan was our brave feeder, and he did a great job.