Friday, June 05, 2009

Shopping spree at Toys R Us

Today was the day the kids have been waiting for... time to spend some money! I think this was the first time we've taken the kids into the store to spend their own money. Their piggy banks had been filled to the max every since they "harvested" all of the cash with Grandma a few weekends ago, so it was time to empty them out a little and have some fun. Here they are with their bags of cash...

Sydney had the clear advantage as she had a birthday gift card to ToysRUs and a couple of coupons so she ended up only spending $8 (and she started out with a lot more money) and Zack had to spend $18, which pretty much cleaned out most of his cash reserve. Now we'll have to convince Sydney to take most of her money to the Credit Union, so there is room for more money in her bank of course :)
Sydney bought a motorized kitten and cat (I guess Pico doesn't sit still long enough anymore for her! haha) and miniture kitten playset. Zack got a Hector coal train (Thomas and Friends of course!) and a 5 pack of Hot Wheels cars. None of those purchases were surprising!