Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sydney's Kindergarten Graduation

Today was the big day - Kindergarten graduation!! There were 26 kids graduating with Sydney. They sung several songs, which were cute. Our favorite was "kiss your brain" :) They also asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up - surprisingly none of them said Mommies. The majority was a teacher, and a vet (for the girls) and most of the boys said a pilot. One boy said he wanted to be a "baby doctor" which got quite a response from the crowd - so the next boy said the same thing!

Ms Tennille, her teacher

Sydney and Chloe. Chloe and Sydney have been friends ever since Sydney started at daycare (well, maybe not in the infant room, but I think they were friends in the toddler room!)

Sydney and Andrea


It's true - she's got the diploma to prove it!