Sunday, June 07, 2009

Pico's nature area

Pico needs something to look at, so we finally got motivated enough to finish off the landscaping by the sunroom. Here is what it looked like before...

And now after...

It only took us 5 years to get this planned, and a couple of days to finish. It just shows how much easier some things are getting around the house as the kids are getting older. We sweated off a couple of pounds each working on it, it was hot in the sun! Luckily the kids were at Andrea's house playing so Alan and I had a few hours of quiet shopping time to pick out the rocks and plants. Another great thing is that we "repurposed" 6 of the plants in this area from other parts of our yard, so they were free! For some reason our landscaping was huge and over grown this year and we had to cut it way back. But now the mulch is finished for another year and the yard looks good. Maybe we should have a party!!